CODING: Opportunities Teenagers Can Maximize In The Technology World Today

Some of the students during our “Summer of Code” fellowship

Most people are familiar with the term ‘coding’ but if asked, many will describe it as gibberish and colourful text on the computer. Coding is more than that!

Coding, also known as programming, is the process of creating instructions for computers using a programming language. It plays an important role in the technologies we interact with today, like apps, websites e.t.c. To have a career in fields such as Web Development and Software Engineering, it is very important for you to know and understand the concept of coding. And this is where many people, teenagers especially start to dread it since it looks like a meaningless text, some consider it a conquest meant for adults or geniuses.

This is not in any way true, coding can be learned by anyone who has the interest to, through programming languages, a set of rules that define how to write codes, the machine language can be brought closer to human language. From JavaScript to Python, whichever aspect a software developer chooses is up to their discretion as these languages can do different things. There are two classifications of programming language, High-level Language which makes coding easier because they are closer to human language and Low-level language which offers more freedom.

Instagram and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is a computer programmer by trade. He is also a strong believer in coding education and his coding skills are what allowed him to build Facebook from the ground up out of his Havard dorm room.

He had this to say; “All of my friends who have younger siblings who are going to college or high school — my number one piece of advice is: You should learn how to program.”

Several platforms offer the opportunity to learn to code, there are coding websites available on the internet where you can pick up programming skills or even mobile apps that enable you to practice and take lessons on the go. Another effective option is the coding boot camp; a boot camp is a short term program with a curriculum of practical applications, here you’ll find experts to teach you and plenty of opportunities to learn and improve on your programming skills. An example of a coding boot camp is the Summer of Code initiative by Ennovate lab, Ogbomoso.

We live in a digital age, so it is paramount that kids embrace the ever-evolving digital life to stay relevant. Some of the reason kids should embrace coding is that:

  1. Coding enhances their mental capacities: coding is the process that involves breaking down big problems into smaller pieces and then acting on them. Doing this efficiently is a skill on its own.

2. Coding enhances Creativity: With the consistent use of the brain when coding, kids are sure to dig into their most creative part and express their imaginations better.

3. It enables concentration: Coding has been proven to be an effective means of retaining attention. Deep thinking requires concentration and focus and this is what coding gives.

4. Coding is more beneficial for younger people: Just like learning any other language, the programming language is no different. The consistent practice of coding will enable young minds to easily grasp what it entails.

5. The skills that will be acquired begins to open them to the possibilities inherent in the science and the art, and they begin to see themselves as solution providers, problem solvers and change makers because their mind would have been stretched.

The students who attend the training are always transformed

Beyond the above listed, there are many reasons why coding is exceptionally beneficial for teenagers. Demands are strong for coding-related jobs, therefore, kids must develop a career in that sphere as opportunity abounds daily in our digital economy.

You don’t necessarily have to know the hook and crannies of programming as that is a wide area by itself, knowing just enough to be useful in whichever aspect you are venturing into can still be a positive asset in most business environments.

A parting admonition from Apple’s co-founder Steve Jobs when he said, “Everybody should learn to program a computer because it teaches you how to think.”



Children that Change the World (CTCTW)

We are creating opportunities for underserved children by equipping them with 21st Century Skills.